Sample Frequently Asked Questions


  1. When I visit the free sample calendar it still says “Check back soon for today's free sample”- Why is that?

    If you are seeing the "Check back soon" message it is because we either have not yet posted today’s sample find or your Internet browser has saved that image on your computer. Browsers often do this to increase their speed and efficiency for websites you visit often. We post a daily free sample find every morning between 9 and 10 AM. If you still see the “Check back” message at that time, try refreshing your Internet browser or close your browser completely then reopen it again.

  2. When I went to request the sample it said they were out or that I didn’t qualify to get the sample.

    We sometimes offer exclusive free samples through, but often we are scouting out other free samples being offered by other companies. Since most of these samples have no affiliation with All You, we make sure to the best of our ability the requesting process is simple and strait-forward before we post the sample. We want you to trust the sites we find and know they are legitimate, however, since these are not All You sites, we cannot control the quantity of samples, length of the offer or changes to the qualifications for receiving the sample after we post our daily find.

  3. The free sample site won't work for me.

    Sometimes theses sites are built with a program called Flash or may have pop-up windows (or both). Make sure you have the Macromedia Flash plug in (it’s a free update that most newer browsers come with, but not all) and you do not block pop-up windows.

  4. I don't have a Facebook account and cannot accept Facebook offers. Why do I have to “Like” a company on Facebook to get the sample?

    We strive to find the best free sample offers from around the Web every day and sometimes those samples are found on Facebook. We in no way want to alienate our readers who choose not to use Facebook, but many companies and brands use Facebook as a means of communicating with their audience and to distribute their free samples.

    We strive to find the best free sample offers from around the Web every day and sometimes those samples are found on Facebook. We in no way want to alienate our readers who choose not to use Facebook, but many companies and brands use Facebook as a means of communicating with their audience and to distribute their free samples.

  5. I don't want give my phone number to request a sample.

    Most sample sites we promote don't require a phone number but occasionally they do. You should only give the personal information you feel comfortable providing.

  6. I don't want to have my email inbox overrun with newsletters, offers and possibly spam.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

    We suggest opening a free email account (through Yahoo or Gmail) to use just for entering online sweeps and requesting free samples.

  7. I can’t see the free sample calendar.

    If you cannot see the free sample calendar at all, it may be because you do not have JavaScript enabled in your browser’s preferences. You can change this in your browser set up.

欧美群迅雷下载邮票行情邮票价格邮票互动网猴年邮票女幽灵 百度网盘下载 迅雷下载欧美群迅雷下载女幽灵 百度网盘下载 迅雷下载大龙邮票世界上第一枚邮票突然间,三界晃动。三界不少地方出现了通往其它时空的黑洞。管理仙籍的仙侍在晃动之间把洛神的仙籍掉入了黑洞,只见一道粉光进入了黑洞,黑洞关闭。邪灵世界,妖魔丛生,鬼魅乱世。 凡人命如鸡犬,任人屠杀。 周晗觉醒了无限制修改武道修炼时长的系统,五毒手,金钟罩,旋风腿,统统修炼到一万年后。 武林盟主:我从没见过旋风腿真的可以踢出龙卷风…… 最强邪灵出世,一爪下去,连周晗的皮都蹭不破,震惊怒骂:你是邪灵我是邪灵? 周晗:以凡人之躯,比肩邪灵!误入修仙世界,只想苟活于世,却不想误入阴谋之中。 推进前路的,不仅仅是幕后黑手…… 还有隐藏的,深处的未知纪元3000年,高墙时代。 神秘复苏,怪物四起,异能觉醒。 理科生路明非穿越而来,成为当代著名的异能大师。 结果悲催的发现自己不会异术。我奉劝各位不要沉迷游戏,游戏不仅浪费时间和金钱而且影响正常的学习、生活和健康... 什么! 居然有人敢攻击我天华城? NND! 好了,不废话了,老子要去砍死那帮NPC。 .... 处于修炼世界最底层的李成双因为一个梦激活了天灾召唤系统,能从蓝星召唤名为“玩家”的生物。 从此,这个世界的画风变了。 低级城主:你说天华城那大鸟比我还快? 中级城主:你说天华城那胳膊粗的玩意儿堪比我全力一击? 高级城主:你说高级魔兽被天华城堵在门口杀? ....鲜血淋漓的战场,神秘的第三方势力,未完待续的故事…… 意外穿越进游戏世界的楚昱和盛追,在诧异和激动下开启了他们的游戏人生。 在不断和域界人洛羽的相处下,他们逐渐发现了这个世界里和游戏的不同之处,剧情中的漏洞究竟是bug还是阴谋? 友情、立场。 信仰的冲突下,他们的冒险究竟会如何发展呢。高田真一“小兰女士,你也不想新一君遭遇不测吧?” 小兰“这... 高田真一“小哀酱,你也不希望柯南君有生命危险吧?” 小哀“这...十五年前,萧家一夜落败,三十七位萧家顶梁柱为皇室所杀,至此萧家退出王权之列走向商贾大道,萧家长子萧云以孱弱身躯肩挑萧家未来,十五年时间成长为京城手握权势的大人物之一。十五年后,甘州陷落,南,宁两国的决战一触即发,究竟是重回朝堂,扭转乾坤?还是明哲保身,退走他乡?隐藏起来的心,胸腔中的复仇怒火,奸佞小人和萧家的再一次对决,谁胜谁负?昊天穿越到了充满修士的世界,人类的唯一死敌凶兽行遍大陆自称兽神的子民,昊天意外解锁诸天万界捡属性系统帮助人类消灭凶手 兽神:“昊天才是神,我算什么神,我顶多算个小弟罢了” 林炎:“昊天是我永远的心魔,永远的噩梦” 天道:“这个宇宙我说的可不算,昊天说的才算”行者,走遍天地间,只为寻求众生存在的真正意义;为求一缕光明和一线生机。
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